Equity, Diversity And Inclusion
Uncomfortable conversations that can no longer be put off….what’s the best way of going about this without alienating people? What language should we as an organisation should we be using? How do I ensure that equality and equity is evident in my school or organisation? How do we diversify our workforce? Lots of questions that need answering – but how? We create solutions for your problems sensitively but resolutely. Undertaking unconscious bias training for your workforce for a couple of hours is not going to sort out your concerns, or stating that you are an anti-racist organisation on your website. What does anti-racist actually mean? Talk to us and we can advise you on the most appropriate steps to take to ensure that diversity, equality and equity is alive and well in your organisation. All solutions are bespoke and will be part of your organisation’s culture change which can be and will be, at times, a little bumpy. We will listen to your concerns. We will support you in making the changes as smoothly as possible with as many people working together in understanding why change is important to your organisation. Let us help you make the change and be the change that you want to see.
For further details - please contact us via the Get In Touch page.